Memorial Campership Fund


    The Robert P. Amman Memorial Campership Fund was organized in 1986 after the untimely death of Robert Amman, an avid 4-H Summer Camp participant and Head Youth Director (1981).


    In 2020, a sub-fund was created after the passing of Connor Gowland at age 22. Connor loved 4-H Summer Camp, starting as a participant then graduating from camp as an Executive Staff member.

Since 1994, the Fund has awarded 1,364 partial and full camperships totaling $236,816. The Memorial Campership Fund is an IRS Section 501c(3) non-profit organization and tax-deductible contributions are encouraged. 

No cash or monies will be awarded directly to campership recipients. The Robert P. Amman Memorial Campership Fund will issue a check with a list of recipients directly to the Los Angeles County 4-H Council Treasurer.  

Please contact us if you (or someone you know) would consider making a tax-deductible contribution to fund future camperships. In 2002, contributions from the Code Memorial Fund were merged into the RPA Memorial Campership Fund.

No individual camperships will be provided for 2024. A large donation was given to the 4-H Summer Camp program to reduce the registration costs for each youth.

Got questions?  Please contact Dennis DeYoung at (818) 280-0280 or or go to